Friday, July 31, 2009


One of our newest members is a sweet senior citizen. She make me smile & often tells me she is praying for me. I really believe she loves her new pastor.

It's funny how an encouraging word has such a powerful effect on all of us. My doctor said I was doing a good job with my weight loss & my blood pressure was doing super. That pat on the back meant quite a bit to me. It made me want to keep at it & do even better.

Think how few people ever get any kind of positive message from family or friends. As much as I enjoy the "atta boys", I want to be an uplifter. Someone who builds not a person that is always tearing down. "Keep at it." "Your doing a great job!" "Hey, I thought of you today." "Hang in there."

If you haven't thought of it yet, our Savior is the greatest encourager of all. Many times the only thing that has kept me going is the thought that I will hear a message from Him. "Well done thou good and faithful servant." Yes, that will keep you headed in the right direction.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Empty Nest is Coming

Shame on me, it has been 5 months since my last blog. Plenty is going on but I have just neglected getting up to date here.

Last week, I was on the campus of Crown College for the annual Pastor's College. This is always a highlight of my yr. & the Lord deals with me for which I am thankful. We were challenged all week about the Truth, Friendship & World Evangelism. These things are all connected.

Before I checked in at the college, I spent several hours out on a trail in the Smokies. Great fun & I can't wait to do it again. My hike was around 8 miles over what they said was a moderate trail. I can hardly imagine what a diificult one would look like. The last day of the conference, Pastor Sexton handed me a $1 that he had signed for Brett's schooling there worth $1000! No doubt this is the first answer of many prayers that will be offered to get him through school.

Both Jeremy & Brett will be in school this fall. Brett will check in Aug. 21st & Jeremy will be gone by the 1st week of Sept. Donna & I are not sure how we will adjust to the fact that both our boys will be out of the house. (I believe I've seen Donna thumbing through cruise brochures though.)
Pray for them & us as we make this transition.